24th February, 2022

The Best 100 Safety Topics For Daily Toolbox Talks

It can be hard to think of ideas for health and safety toolbox talks, but luckily, there are many subjects you can use. Check out these 100 safety topics to help you get started. You will also find out why we picked each topic, who needs to hear it, and what information to cover.

The Best 100 Safety Topics For Daily Toolbox Talks header image

You might know you should be doing toolbox talks regularly, but preparing one every week or every day can be difficult. And if you don't know what to write about, it's even harder to get started. Where should you start?

Start with a subject.

Each toolbox talk you deliver should focus on just one topic. Having a single subject to focus on means you can cover the essential points without taking up too much time. Toolbox talks should be short and relevant.

So remember. One talk. One topic.

But what should that topic be?

In this post, we will list the best 100 safety topics you can cover. We will also give you some information on each topic, why it is important for health and safety, and what to cover.

The topics are listed in alphabetical order, rather than order of importance - because this will depend on the tasks and activities you do. We have included who the talk is for and when each subject is best delivered.

Plus, we will give you some free toolbox talk templates, so you can get started delivering daily toolbox talks right away!

You can download toolbox talks pre-completed for a variety of subjects from our library!

1. Abrasive Wheels

Your talk can cover the risks from abrasive wheels, including contact, burst discs, entanglement, dust, noise and vibration exposure, to discuss the issues and how to help keep your workforce safe.

Best for: Any worker using abrasive wheels

2. Accident Costs

Accidents cost lives. They can also have a massive financial impact on the business and the people involved. Talk about the costs, and give everyone an incentive to prevent accidents.

Best for: Everyone

3. Accident Prevention

They say good safety doesn't happen by accident, and it's true. For this topic, you can discuss reasons why accidents can occur and how best to prevent them. You can cover control measures, safety rules and safety equipment.

Best for: Everyone

4. Accident Reporting

Accident reporting is a legal requirement, so you can use this topic to familiarise your team with the need to report accidents and the procedures in place. You could also discuss RIDDOR requirements and the different types of reportable injuries and diseases.

Best for: Everyone

5. Alcohol

Start this talk by raising the issues around alcohol at work, where to go to get help, and the increased risks workers are exposed to when they are under the influence of alcohol. And if you have an alcohol policy, you can also cover your procedures.

Best for: Everyone

6. Asbestos Awareness

Asbestos is known as the hidden killer, and this topic is especially important in the construction industry. In fact, it's so important you can download the free asbestos awareness toolbox talk template and get started delivering this talk right away.

Best for: Construction workers and anyone who may get exposed to asbestos

7. Asbestos Surveys

Use this talk to discuss the two types of asbestos survey and when each one is needed. You should cover the management survey and the refurbishment and demolition survey for this topic.

Best for: Work in any pre-2000 building that may contain asbestos

8. Behaviour

Everyone's behaviour and attitude towards safety is important to create a safe working environment. Use this talk to encourage safe behaviour and allow your team to raise any concerns.

Best for: Everyone

9. CDM Regulations

The Construction (Design and Management) Regulations (known as CDM) apply to all construction work. No matter where you do it or how long for, CDM applies. CDM is a good topic to cover, especially in construction or if you have construction projects planned. Download free CDM toolbox talks for all duty holders.

Best for: Construction work


Nearly every workplace will use or produce hazardous substances at some stage, from cleaning chemicals to dust and gases. Use the free COSHH assessment template to get started with this topic.

Best for: Everyone

11. COSHH Assessment

Thousands of workers are made ill every year through exposure to hazardous substances. Make your team aware of the legal requirements surrounding COSHH assessments. You could start with a talk about COSHH symbols and what they mean.

Best for: Everyone

12. Confined Spaces

Confined spaces are hazardous due to restricted access and an enclosed atmosphere, making any issues that happen much more serious. This topic is good to cover before you do any confined space work, discussing access, rules, communication and emergency arrangements.

Best for: Work involving confined spaces

13. Considerate Contractor

Being a considerate contractor means being a good neighbour and considering others who may be affected by your activities. It can help projects run smoothly and reduce the risk of problems. Get your team on board by covering this topic near the start of your project.

Best for: Construction sites

14. Construction Site Rules

Another talk for the start of your project, maybe during your inductions. You can cover behaviour, PPE and site rules. Check out the construction site rules toolbox talk template for inspiration.

Best for: Construction inductions

15. DSE Display Screen Equipment

Display Screen Equipment (DSE) is any screen with a major role in displaying information, think computers, laptops, tablets and phones. Over the past few decades, this technology has become indispensable in most workplaces, so why talk about it? Because if not used correctly, DSE can be associated with neck, shoulder, back or arm pain, as well as with fatigue and eyestrain.

Best for: Office workers and those using display screen equipment for work

16. DSE Exercises

Talking about DSE, there are several exercises you can do to help reduce the problems associated with DSE use. Who said health and safety had to be expensive? Some simple, free to do and no equipment necessary exercises can help DSE users avoid aches and strains. Cover shoulders, arms and eyes.

Best for: Office workers and those using display screen equipment for work

17. Demolition

Demolition work is one of the most dangerous construction site activities, with risks from collapse, falls, hazardous materials and services. You want to make sure you cover this topic before you start demolition work, no matter how small.

Best for: Construction sites involving demolition work

18. Dermatitis

Dermatitis is inflamed sore skin, which can be very painful. This skin condition happens through contact with something that irritates the skin or causes an allergic reaction. It can affect workers in many industries, such as construction (contact with irritants like cement) and health (excessive hand washing).

Best for: Anyone with regular skin contact with substances or water

19. Drugs

You are far more likely to have an accident when under the influence of drugs. And this is true of both illegal drugs and prescribed drugs. Even common over the counter cold and flu medicines can cause drowsiness, reducing alertness and increasing reaction time.

Best for: Everyone

20. Dust

Dust can be a hazard or just a nuisance. Both types of dust (hazardous and nuisance) can be harmful to workers through breathing dust into the lungs, swallowing dust, eye contact and skin contact.

Best for: Work activities creating dust or in dusty environments

21. Electrical Safety

Electrical hazards are present in most workplaces, from services within buildings to electrical tools and equipment used, underground services, and overhead services. And if you are not sure what to cover for this topic, we have got you sorted with the free electrical safety toolbox talk template.

Best for: Work with or around electrical equipment

22. Excavations

You will often find excavations on building sites - for foundations, service trenches and other underground structures. If you work in construction you are likely to be working close to excavations, even if you are not directly involved. Use the free excavations toolbox talk template to cover the key information around this subject.

Best for: Construction and utility workers

23. Eye Protection

You might have two eyes, but it's best to keep them both. Eye protection helps keep your eyesight safe for the future. It gives you a barrier from small flying particles such as dust and fumes, liquid splashes, and larger projectiles.

Best for: Anyone needing to wear eye protection at work

24. Fire Action

This topic covers what to do in the event of a fire in the workplace. Quick action in the event of a fire can reduce the effects of the fire, minimise the spread of the fire and save lives. Everyone should know what to do should a fire occur in their workplace, cover this topic when someone starts working in a new site or premises, and regularly refresh.

Best for: Inductions and refreshers

25. Fire Extinguishers

Different types of fire extinguishers are suitable for different types of fire. Using the wrong one could do more harm than good. Get the free fire extinguishers toolbox talk as a quick reminder.

Best for: Everyone

26. Fire Prevention

Each year UK fire brigades attend over 40,000 fires in workplaces. And every year, more than 40 people are killed and over 2500 injured in these fires. This topic is one of the best 100 because preventing fires saves lives, and fire prevention is relevant in all workplaces. You can include the fire triangle and how to keep the elements (heat, fuel, and oxygen) apart.

Best for: Everyone

27. Fire Safety

Fire safety is the fourth fire topic on our list. This talk helps to raise awareness of fire risks. Use it to discuss fire safety issues to help keep your workforce safe. It may touch upon both fire prevention and fire action, along with the specific fire safety arrangements for your workplace.

Best for: Everyone

28. First Aid

First aid at work is a legal requirement, and covering this topic could save a life. Make sure that everyone knows what first aid arrangements are in place by delivering a talk about it! To help you remember the main points, you can use the free first aid toolbox talk template.

Best for: Everyone but especially appointed persons and first aiders

29. Flammable Liquids

The storage and use of flammable liquids is a significant safety hazard and fire risk unless you follow the correct safety principles and control measures. Flammable liquids are present in most workplaces. Each year people are injured at work by flammable substances accidentally catching fire or exploding.

Best for: Any workplace storing or using flammable liquids

30. Forklift Loads

A forklift trucks primary purpose is to lift and carry heavy loads. Failing to secure a load or carrying an unstable load can affect the balance and operation of equipment, leading to accidents. If you use forklift trucks, make sure you cover this topic as one of your daily safety talks.

Best for: Forklift truck operators

31. Forklift Use

Why is this topic important? It might surprise you to know that forklift trucks are involved in about a quarter of all workplace transport accidents. Use this toolbox talk to detail the risks from forklift trucks and the rules and procedures needed to use forklifts safely.

Best for: Any workplace with forklift trucks

32. Gas Safety

Gas is a fuel used in millions of buildings, vehicles and equipment across the UK. Keep this talk focused on the need for proper use, installation, and maintenance of gas equipment. You can also discuss the risks of gas leaks, fires, explosions and carbon monoxide poisoning.

Best for: Anywhere with gas services or equipment

33. Good Housekeeping

Is cleanliness next to godliness? I don't know about that. But poor housekeeping can cause slips, trips and falls and also increase the risk of fire. Keeping the work area tidy minimises these risks. Download the free good housekeeping toolbox talk to get this talk ticked off your list.

Best for: Everyone

34. HSE Powers

HSE inspectors may visit a site or workplace, without notice, as part of a random inspection, a targeted inspection looking at a particular type of workplace or location, or due to information received. Make your workforce aware of what to expect if you get a visit from the HSE.

Best for: Managers and supervisors

35. Hammers

Hammers are a widely used piece of equipment found in most toolboxes. Hammers can be hazardous if incorrectly used, causing them to break. Even when used correctly, hammers create projectiles from the materials they are striking. Use this topic to talk about the precautions needed when using this tool.

Best for: Tradesmen

36. Hand Protection

We use our hands for tasks at work every day, so your hands are the most likely part of you to come into contact with hazardous materials or substances. Gloves can protect from cuts, burns and other skin damage. When safety gloves are not correctly selected, used or stored, failures can lead to skin exposure to hazardous substances (chemicals or some natural products).

Best for: Manual handling and contact with hazardous materials or substances

37. Hand Tools

Faulty tools or tools incorrectly used can cause nasty injuries and produce poor quality work. Use this topic to encourage your team to think carefully about tool selection and using tools correctly. Download the free hand tools toolbox talk to help you deliver this talk.

Best for: Tradesmen

38. Hard Hats

Hard hats are usually a requirement in high-risk environments such as construction sites or where there is overhead work. You can replace a hard hat, but you can't replace your head. If there is any risk of injury to the head, then hard hats are required by law, so use this topic to cover the risk of head, brain and spinal injuries and the importance of putting a lid on it.

Best for: Construction sites

39. Harmful Substances

Many materials or substances used or created at work can be harmful to health. Raise awareness of the risks associated with substances used or produced at work that are harmful to health, and discuss the issues and good practice.

Best for: Anyone who may be exposed to harmful substances

40. Horseplay

Any messing around, using tools or equipment not as intended, and failing to follow safety procedures can be horseplay. Use this topic to explain why horseplay is dangerous and how unsafe acts cause most accidents at work.

Best for: Everyone especially new or inexperienced workers

41. Infections at Work

You could get infected by bacteria, fungi, viruses or parasites. Most cases of infection are reported by healthcare workers, with the most common type of infection being diarrhoeal disease. The coronavirus pandemic has increased awareness around preventing cross-infection in the workplace.

Best for: Healthcare

42. Ladders

More accidents involve ladders than any other piece of work equipment. You can use the free ladder use toolbox talk to get the facts for this topic. On average 12 people die each year at work falling from ladders, and over 1200 suffer major injuries. In this talk, you should cover the rules and requirements for safe ladder use.

Best for: Tradesmen and anyone who may use a ladder at work

43. Lead

Exposure to lead can harm health and cause diseases. People are most at risk during industrial and construction processes that create lead dust, fumes or vapour. Talk about lead exposure and the procedures you need to follow to stay safe when working with lead.

Best for: Work with lead

44. Legionella

Any water system with the right environment could be a source for legionella bacteria growth. This topic should cover the conditions where you are most at risk and the procedures needed to prevent legionella.

Best for: Water systems

45. Leptospirosis

Leptospirosis is a serious and sometimes fatal bacterial infection transmitted from infected rats and cattle, which you may know as Weil’s disease. Cover the symptoms of the disease, and use the talk as an opportunity to discuss the controls needed.

Best for: Work near water, rats and cattle

46. Lifting Equipment

If you carry out lifting operations, then you need to know about lifting equipment. Lifting equipment is any work equipment used to lift and lower loads and includes any accessories used in doing so (such as attachments to support, fix or anchor the equipment). In this talk, make sure you cover the requirements of the Lifting Operations and Lifting Equipment Regulations (LOLER).

Best for: Lifting operations

47. Lifting Operations

Lifting operations can put people at risk of severe injury. When lifting operations go wrong, the consequences can be massive. We had the equipment as the previous topic, but now you can talk about managing the lift itself. Under this topic, you should discuss resourcing, planning and organising a lift, and safe conditions for a lift.

Best for: Lifting operations

48. Lifting Technique

Lifting technique comes under the wider subject of manual handling, but this talk topic is more focused on how to lift safely, and what a best practice lifting technique should look like. Bend at the knees, get a good grip etc. You could even throw in a demonstration with this talk!

Best for: Manual handling

49. Listen For Danger

Workplaces are filled with various sounds and noises. The loud noise from a vehicle or a reversing alarm could indicate an approaching danger from mobile plant or equipment. A change in the operating noise of a piece of machinery could signal it is breaking down or in an unsafe state.

Best for: Everyone

50. Lone Working

Lone workers are people who work by themselves without close or direct supervision. A person is lone working if they have neither visual nor audible communication with someone else. This topic should cover procedures for assessing risks, communication and keeping safe when working alone.

Best for: Anyone working alone

You are halfway through! If you need help delivering daily toolbox talks, all these topics and more are included in our Talks Plan membership so that you can manage your toolbox talks online!

51. Manual Handling

Manual handling is carried out in nearly every workplace in one form or another and includes the movement loads by lifting, lowering, putting down, pushing, pulling, carrying or moving, by hand or by bodily force. This talk should include safety considerations surrounding the load, the individual, the task and the environment. You can use the free manual handling toolbox talk template for this topic.

Best for: Everyone

52. Method Statement

A method statement is a written safe system of work. Method statements are commonly used in construction and for other high-risk activities. A toolbox talk about method statements should include what method statements are, why we write them, and how to follow them.

Best for: High-risk work

53. MEWP

MEWP stands for Mobile Elevated Working Platforms. MEWPs are widely used and can provide an effective and safe means of gaining access to work at height. However, while they are a safe way of working at height, this is only true if you use them correctly. This topic can highlight the risks such as overturning and overloading.

Best for: Work at height

54. Near Misses

Near-misses might not seem like a big or complicated topic, but sometimes the best toolbox talks are the simplest. Since reporting near misses can prevent future accidents from happening, this talk really could save lives. Download the free near-miss reporting toolbox talk and give this talk today.

Best for: Everyone

55. Noise At Work

Work environments can often be noisy. Exposure to excessive noise can, over time, lead to permanent hearing loss. The Control of Noise at Work Regulations are in place to protect workers, putting legal limits on noise exposure. This topic is best delivered somewhere quiet so that everyone can hear you!

Best for: Noisy work environments

56. Outdoor Working

What should you cover in this toolbox talk? Working outside in the UK exposes you to all the elements. Cold, heat, wind, rain, sun, snow. All the elements that people love about working outside are also the things that can make you suffer. You can get the free outdoor working toolbox talk template to help you with this one.

Best for: Anyone who works outside

57. Overhead Services

If you have overhead services crossing your sites, this is a crucial topic to include on your list. If a machine, scaffold tube, ladder, or even a jet of water touches or gets too close to an overhead wire, then electricity is conducted. You don't even need to touch overhead services for them to be dangerous since electricity can jump, or arc, across small gaps.

Best for: Construction and road workers

58. PAT Portable Appliance Testing

Most workplaces have some types of portable electrical equipment, from laptops to kettles to drills. Portable electrical equipment (portable appliances) usually means any electrical equipment intended to be connected to a generator or a fixed installation using a flexible cable and either a plug and socket or a spur box, or similar means.

Best for: Tradesmen and anyone using portable electrical equipment

59. PPE Use

This subject made it on the list of the best safety topics since PPE is the last line of defence against workplace hazards. Your talk should include why you need to wear PPE, when you need to wear it, and best practices surrounding PPE use. And if you need help preparing your talk, we have you covered with the free PPE use toolbox talk template.

Best for: Anyone who needs to wear PPE

60. Permits To Work

Permits to work are usually needed to control high-risk restricted activities. Permits help ensure that strict control measures and precautions are in place before, during and after the completion of the task or activity. And if you need one, you can download a free toolbox talk template on permits to work as well!

Best for: High-risk work

61. Personal Hygiene

Let's not get too personal here, but personal hygiene protects you and other workers from illness and cross-contamination. This topic should address how germs can quickly spread through poor personal hygiene, and the steps involved with good personal hygiene practices. The pandemic has brought this topic to the top of everyone's attention, and you can use the free coronavirus toolbox talk for a COVID specific conversation.

Best for: Everyone

62. Public Protection

When you set up a new workplace, especially in public areas, it's important to consider protecting members of the public from any hazards and risks created by your work. What's an obvious hazard to you might not be to a person who has never worked in your industry before. Use the free public protection toolbox talk to get more detail on what this topic includes.

Best for: Working close to members of the public

63. RPE Use

Respiratory Protection Equipment (RPE) is a type of Personal Protective Equipment (PPE). We already included PPE on our list, but RPE should have its own talk to include details on requirements like face-fit, seals and how and when to use this equipment.

Best for: Anyone who needs to use RPE

64. Radiation

Radiation is a pretty specialist topic, but one that's probably applicable to more workplaces than you think. X-rays, microwaves, welding, UV lamps, lasers, even sunlight is a source of radiation.

Best for: Any workplaces containing sources of radiation

65. Refuelling

Refuelling involves handling highly flammable liquids, and there is always a risk of fire or explosion if a source of ignition is present. Use this topic to talk about your arrangements for the safe use, storage and handling of fuel.

Best for: Use of petrol or diesel driven equipment

66. Risk Assessment

A risk assessment is a health and safety process in which you identify hazards and control risks. It helps to protect yourself and others from danger. Use this talk to make your team aware of the need for risk assessments, where to find them, and which risk assessments apply to their tasks and activities.

Best for: Everyone

67. Roof Work

All work on roofs is highly dangerous, even if a job only takes a few minutes. Almost one in five deaths in construction work involve roof work, so make sure you add this topic to your list if you or your workers need to access roofs at any time.

Best for: Anyone accessing roofs

68. Safety Awareness

You can use the free safety awareness toolbox talk to help you with this topic. There is a difference between being aware of health and safety, and having safety awareness. Safety awareness is a continuous alert attitude to the safety aspects of every job we do.

Best for: Everyone

69. Safety Benefits

Could this be the best safety topic? It lays the foundation of all other health and safety topics and can be given on day one of your talks because, after this talk, your audience should know why safety is important and why you are giving toolbox talks in the first place.

Best for: Everyone

70. Safety Nets

Safety nets provide passive fall protection without any active effort required on the part of the user. This topic covers what a safety net is (a net to protect people from injury after falling from heights by limiting the distance they fall and providing a soft landing), when and why, to use them.

Best for: Work at height

71. Safety Signs

A safety signs toolbox talk will cover the different types of health and safety signs, including mandatory, prohibition, warning and safe condition signs. Download the free safety signs toolbox talk for this topic.

Best for: Everyone

72. Scaffolding

Scaffolding provides safe access and working platforms for work at height. Scaffolds can be misused or become dangerous because component parts can be removed with tools such as hammers or spanners. This talk should include how to use scaffolds safely, and to help, we have provided the free scaffolding toolbox talk download.

Best for: Use of scaffolding

73. Screwdrivers

Screwdrivers might not be the most exciting or dangerous item in the toolbox, but you can include this topic to talk about using screwdrivers correctly and wearing appropriate PPE (personal protective equipment) to minimise the risk of injury.

Best for: Tradesmen

74. Sharps

Sharps are needles, blades (such as scalpels) and other medical instruments that could cause an injury by cutting or pricking the skin. Workers and others in health and social care are at risk.

Best for: Healthcare

75. Sharps Injury

Sharps contaminated with infected blood can transmit more than 20 diseases, so injuries from sharps mean potential exposure to infections such as blood-borne viruses. Those at risk include people who directly handle sharps and also includes workers who may inadvertently be put at risk when sharps have not been stored or disposed of correctly.

Best for: Healthcare and site clearance

76. Shift Work

More than 3.5 million people are employed as shift workers in the UK. That's a lot of people who would benefit from this safety topic, as shift working patterns can lead to adverse effects upon health, particularly for night workers. You can talk about this subject to discuss the planning of shift rostering, rest days, and how to reduce the risks.

Best for: Shift workers

77. Silica Dust

Silica is a primary component in sand and rocks like sandstone and granite. For this topic, you should include how silica dust gets created when cutting or drilling materials, how this dust kills more than 500 construction workers every year, and the precautions needed.

Best for: Construction

78. Site Plant

Within some work environments, people and vehicles have to work together to get the job done. Plant and machinery will move large loads, excavate a trench or plough a field while people carry out other tasks such as installing services, picking and packing, or moving smaller loads. If people and plant are not kept separate, injuries can happen on contact.

Best for: Construction sites, factories, warehouses, waste, farming etc

79. Site Security

Site security should be a topic to cover as trespassers might want to access your site. With this talk, you can explain good site security and the steps needed to secure the perimeter and locking gates at the end of each shift.

Best for: Construction sites

80. Skip Loaders

Skip loaders are vehicles that move skips and containers. This topic should be covered as a toolbox talk because every year, activities involving the movement of skips and containers cause death and injury. Think about how waste will be safely collected and vehicles movements managed when planning this talk.

Best for: Construction and waste

81. Skip Safety

So you covered skip loaders (see above), but what about the skips themselves? This topic should include safety rules for disposing of waste in skips, such as keeping the area around the skip clear, not overloading skips, not entering skips etc.

Best for: Construction and waste

82. Slips and Trips

Why cover this topic? Slips and trips might not sound like a big problem, but they are the most common cause of injury at work, accounting for around 40% of major injuries. That's massive! You don't need to write this talk yourself, though, because you can use the free slips and trips toolbox talk template.

Best for: Everyone

83. Step Ladders

We already included ladders in this list, so why do you need to talk about step ladders as well? You might think step ladders are safer, but falling off a step ladder is no less serious than falling from an ordinary ladder. Equal care is needed. We cover the differences in the free step ladders toolbox talk download.

Best for: Work at height

84. Stress

If preparing all these toolbox talks is getting you, well, stressed, we have already written a free stress toolbox talk template you can download. Stress is a big one - 500,000 people suffer from work-related stress, anxiety and depression, resulting in the loss of over 11 million working days per year.

Best for: Everyone

85. Sun Exposure

Many people enjoy working outdoors more when the sun is shining. However, too much sunlight is harmful to your skin. Use this topic to warn workers about the dangers of sun exposure, including the risks of sunburn and skin cancer.

Best for: Outdoor workers

86. Tower Scaffolds

Tower scaffolds (also known as mobile access towers) are widely used for work at height. Especially internally. And they can provide an effective and safe means of gaining access to higher levels. So why talk about them? Because towers rely on all parts being in place to ensure adequate strength. They can collapse if sections are missing, and they can overturn if overloaded or incorrectly used. Find out more in the free tower scaffold toolbox talk template.

Best for: Work at height

87. Transport Management

This topic is in our top 100 and would probably make the top 10. Every year there are around 50 fatalities and over 5000 incidents involving workplace transport. In this talk, you can discuss traffic routes, speed limits, restrictions, controls, and rules about workplace transport.

Best for: Workplaces with traffic routes

88. Trestles

Trestles allow access to work areas where more than one person is needed or access is necessary to a wide area. There are safer work platforms available, so use this talk to discuss when it is safe to use trestles and when a safer alternative might be better.

Best for: Work at height

89. Tyre Safety

Why discuss tyres? Tyres play an important role in vehicle safety. They provide grip for movement, friction for braking and an element of suspension for safety and comfort. Have a conversation about tyre checks so that everyone knows what to look out for.

Best for: Vehicle use

90. Underground Services

If you or your team is going underground, you need to talk about underground services. Buried services are a major construction site hazard, particularly in excavation work. Damage to underground services can cause fatal or severe injury as well as significant disruption and environmental damage.

Best for: Excavation work

91. Vehicle Safety

Vehicles used in the workplace should be suitable for the purpose for which you use them. This can be a separate topic from the talk on transport management, as you can cover vehicle safety checks and considerations.

Best for: Vehicle use

92. Vibration

Exposure to vibration can cause long-term painful damage to your hands, fingers and back. This topic should include the Control of Vibration at Work Regulations, exposure action values and ways to limit the vibration employees get exposed to at work. The free vibration toolbox talk template covers this topic.

Best for: Use of vibrating equipment

93. Waste Management

All waste produced can present a safety hazard to workers if not properly managed. Use the waste management topic to discuss how the build-up of waste materials can be a health hazard, block escape routes, and create slip and trip hazards.

Best for: Everyone

94. Water Buoyancy Equipment

When there is a risk of falling into the water and drowning, it is essential to provide sufficient buoyancy to keep the person safely afloat. This is an important topic to cover for working on, over, or near water because lifejackets and buoyancy aids could save your life if you enter the water.

Best for: Work on or near water

95. Welfare Facilities

The law requires employers to ‘so far as is reasonably practicable’, provide adequate and appropriate welfare facilities. This includes adequate toilet and washing facilities for employees. Download the free welfare facilities toolbox talk template to start the conversation. Let your team know where welfare facilities are, their use, and cleaning arrangements.

Best for: Everyone

96. Wood Dust

Another harmful dust makes it into our list of the best 100 safety topics for daily toolbox talks. This dust especially concerns joiners and carpenters. Wood dust can cause asthma, which carpenters and joiners are four times more likely to get when compared with other UK workers. Hardwood dust can also cause cancer, particularly of the nose.

Best for: Tradesmen

97. Work Equipment

Work equipment is any machinery, appliance, apparatus, tool or installation for use at work. This includes equipment that employees provide. The scope of work equipment is therefore extremely wide. Every year, there are many accidents from using work equipment, including machinery. Many are serious, and some are fatal. Discuss best practices when it comes to using machinery and equipment with this talk.

Best for: Machine and equipment operators

98. Work Near Water

Any work near water presents a danger that people might slip or fall into the water, be swept off their feet by wave action, tide action, strong currents, or swell from passing water traffic. Make sure you communicate the risks by having this talk before working on, near or over water.

Best for: Work on or near water

99. Young Person

A young person at work is anyone under eighteen years of age. Why is this topic in the best 100 safety topics? Because young people are generally at increased risk, they lack experience and sometimes maturity. Talking about risks can help raise any questions or concerns.

Best for: Anyone under 18

100. Zero Harm

Zero harm is a business commitment for working towards zero fatalities, accidents, injuries and ill health caused by work activities. Whether or not you consider zero harm as an achievable target, aspiring towards it creates a good safety culture.

Best for: Everyone

Wow, you made it to the end! If you have delivered some or all of these topics, well done! If you need help giving your toolbox talks, all of these topics plus more are included in our Talks Plan membership.

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This article was written by Emma at HASpod. Emma has over 10 years experience in health and safety and BSc (Hons) Construction Management. She is NEBOSH qualified and Tech IOSH.

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How To Start A Safety Talk image

How To Start A Safety Talk

It might sound simple, but safety talks can often get forgotten, and on many of the sites we have visited, safety talks just don't get done as often as management would like them to happen. In this post, we look at some of the best ways to start a safety talk.

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Are Toolbox Talks A Legal Requirement? image

Are Toolbox Talks A Legal Requirement?

Toolbox talks are often used as part of a good health and safety management system to refresh, renew and provide health and safety information. But beyond being good practice, are toolbox talks a legal requirement?

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