

Key Duties Of The Health And Safety At Work Act For Your Business image

22nd July, 2020 - Management

Key Duties Of The Health And Safety At Work Act For Your Business

The Health and Safety at Work etc. Act is an enabling act. It sets out the general health and safety duties that all businesses have to comply with in the UK. It enables further, more specific, health and safety regulations to be passed by law and enforced under it.

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Why Do People Take Health And Safety Risks At Work? image

11th June, 2020 - Management

Why Do People Take Health And Safety Risks At Work?

People don't generally want to get hurt at work, or hurt others. Accidents and ill health are a painful inconvenience after all, and sometimes deadly. But people do unintentionally take health and safety risks that could cause harm. So why do people health and safety risks? And how can we prevent them?

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How To Plan For Better Health And Safety At Work image

5th May, 2020 - Management

How To Plan For Better Health And Safety At Work

As the saying goes, health and safety doesn't happen by accident. And it's true. Planning is important in every area of business. Do you have health and safety goals? What about protecting your team? Preventing harm? Reducing accidents? Keeping people safe? Keeping them healthy?

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Self Employed Health And Safety Responsibilities And The Law image

12th March, 2020 - Management

Self Employed Health And Safety Responsibilities And The Law

You might think as a self-employed person you don't need to worry about health and safety. After all, you're just looking after yourself. But since you're the only person doing the work, it's extra important to stay safe and healthy. If you employ or put others at risk, the law applies.

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Employing Young Workers And How To Keep Them Safe image

25th February, 2020 - Management

Employing Young Workers And How To Keep Them Safe

A young worker is anyone under the age of 18 in the workplace. Young workers may be involved in your business as an employee, for work experience or as an apprentice. And there's no reason why young workers can't be employed, but there are extra things to think about to keep them safe.

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A Guide To The Different Types Of First Aid Training Courses image

10th September, 2019 - Management

A Guide To The Different Types Of First Aid Training Courses

There are a number of different first aid training courses available, so how do you know which type you need? Nominated first aiders are a must for any workplace, but with various types of first aid training available, it is vital to get the right level of training for your first aid cover.

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